Introducing Dark Theme

Homepage animation

Dark Theme

I’ve been working on some website enhancements over the last few weeks with some ideas I’ve had for the past year or so including a brand new theme for my portfolio website! While it isn’t necessarily common for a portfolio website to sport multiple themes it’s a concept I’ve been having to think about more and more professionally so I love getting to try out ideas that wouldn’t make it into a product like that.

There are some unique differences between the 2 themes which I think is to be expected. Shadows for example don’t come through the best on dark theme to give that contrast. While the patterns are slightly different I still believe that it will feel like a unified site between both themes.

I’ve been tinkering with some device-theme auto-detection where the website theme would match your current device or potentially leveraging a cookie to save theme selection. Potentially small updates to come!


That includes some new subtle animations. Mainly as gradients which you might be able to notice in the animation above. It’s especially subtle on light theme so that might be up for some tweaks in the near future. The previous animations done via Lottie were slightly intrusive to the UI. I’ll probably make some plans to reintroduce them in a new way, but for now they’re out.

Light Theme

Some changes did come to light theme as well though including more use of opacity and blurring to create a glassy effect. This should be noticeable in the header especially when scrolling through the banner images used in the site.

Animation showing comment threading
New threading hierarchy for blog comments.

Move to WordPress

One of the other pieces for my work on this site in 2023 included migrating everything, but the blog into a wordpress theme. And even the blog needed some renovations after several wordpress updates. All pages on this site are now built entirely using wordpress. I think I may still have a few hardcoded pieces in there like for the homepage, but with a small bit of work this could easily be released as a theme. Something I’ll try to get released in the near future!

Read more about the initial creation of this theme here or in the follow-up.

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