Album Art Exploration

Several of my close friends are involved in separate music projects. They all know I have some background in graphic art so they come to me looking for some initial exploration. Most of their projects are pretty early on in development, but often they have an interesting vision for what they want the art to look like. It’s always fun trying to adapt their ideas with my own style and these will definitely need some cleanup before being released.

Gank Basement

Inspired mostly by other alternative/rock-style albums with a similar sound. We ended up not going with either of these concepts designed around the “elements”. I really liked the concept of layering the ocean over the sand and I think the visual is pretty cool. Something I think I’d want to revisit in the future.

Smoke Break

For a rap/rock inspired artist and still in the early stages I initially leaned into what I was most comfortable with, 2d illustration, however I was sent a photo with some motifs that I was hoping to actually carry over. I then started illustrating those components however I thought it might look better with some texture. This ended up creating this collage effect that I think is really appropriate for this type of album art.

I took aspects of the photograph and then tried to layer them into the illustrator environment pictured above.

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