

February 2022

After wearing numerous hats at my previous role I enjoyed my time at Able where I was able to focus more on product design daily. During my time I was able to create new features, enhance the mobile experience, and even rebrand the entire application. This work included both consumer-facing and business-facing sides of the app.

Screenshots of homescreen


My official title while working at Employstream/Able was Product Designer and the role involved creation of prototypes to validate ideas before development, tracking analytics of new features and other KPIs like rage clicks, as well as front-end development work at times. While here I was given a lot of flexibility to experiment with designs and even create and propose new features like a onboarding chat bot that would lead into scheduling an interview or moving to a live chat.

Front-End & Rebrand

Some of the front-end projects I worked on during my time at Able included the creation of a new Freshdesk support hub built using HTML/CSS and their custom tags for bringing in Freshdesk variables. There were also times I would provide some CSS assistance when any developer ran into issues.

Finally, one of the larger front-end projects I handles while at Able was the rebrand from Employstream to Able. Over the course of less than two weeks I was able to update the branding of the application and even had some time for a few style updates for some key components.

Product Design

Beyond just front-end work my key role at Able involved product design work creating mockups and prototypes to help validate our assumptions and guide developers in the creation of new workflows/components.

Some of the key projects I worked on while at Able included redesign of the home screen to streamline the onboarding process for employees and creation of a new dashboard experience for recruiters/compliance officers to quickly review I-9 documents. This process in particular had many new features added as federal rules around compliance changed to support the remote environment.


Bullhorn Inc. acquired Able in early 2022 and from there I began to integrate myself with the UX team. Early rework involved a new rebrand of the application to better align with the new design system in development prior to acquisition. After contributing to the rebrand effort I then moved to the Analytics product to provide UX input for that team.