
TraffickCam is an app that allows users to photograph hotel rooms to better identify trafficking victims. From TraffickCam’s posting on the Android Playstore: TraffickCam enables you to help combat sex trafficking by uploading photos of the hotel rooms you stay in when you travel. Traffickers regularly post photographs of their victims posed in hotel rooms for online advertisements. These photographs are evidence that can be used to find and prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes. In order to use these […]



I almost forgot about this one. Combining a brief from the bi-weekly Logo challenge on the r/logodesign subreddit along with challenges from the #DailyUIChallenge I ended up designing a logo and variety of screens for a potential mobile app. I may have gotten a little carried away with this one… The initial brief from the Logo Challenge was to design a logo and app icon for a adult/child Go-Kart race track. I stuck pretty heavily with the racing theme. I […]


Hello Dribbble!

I started a Dribbble account the other day and was invited to be a player. Members of the Dribbble community typically create a debut image showing their excitement to be a player on the court. I was able to quickly illustrate the image and had a pretty clear vision of what I wanted to do when I started out which made it much easier. Animating it on the other hand was another story. I didn’t prep the image as much […]
