

January 2011

While never being a primary focus, I have always enjoyed photography. I like being able to capture moments and I also love the opportunity it typically provides for me to use Adobe Photoshop to make a photo stand out even more.


At Tracker, I have been responsible for event photography as well as framing shots for video content as well. I really like being able to travel to events and capture images of the tow trucks which usually have bright colors that look incredible. I have also done some other smaller photography for social media, and our website.


Animals provide an interesting challenge for me in photography. Since my camera’s typically don’t have the best shutter speed capturing an animal with enough light and when it is moving slow enough is a serious challenge. The challenge makes finally getting that good shot worth it. Like the photos of my dog, Maggie, below which went on the win the Photography category in Voices Magazine 2011. I have a full write-up on this on my blog.

LEGO Models

While I enjoy the photography shown above, I truly got my start photography LEGO models against white backgrounds. As I got better at creating models in LEGO I started to create small scenes that looked as life-like as possible after the photo was taken. Overall, I love photographing small scenes like this and checking that ever detail is exactly where it needs to be.

Other Photos

Photography can often serve as a great source of inspiration for future projects. Sometimes they just make a cool wallpaper too!